Foremost is the Chinese class, which is such a challenge! They teach in full immersion, so once they teach you a word in Chinese, they never say it again in English. It is such a challenge to my American ear!! Bo Hao!
I ordered my worms for the compost bin from I would like to build that next weekend in a stackable drawer system like this one. It will hold a lot of worms, and is much cheaper than the bins you buy already made. It will have 4 drawers for worms and one drawer for worm juice. Sounds weird, but I'm totally stoked!!
I started running again to train for the 5k that I will run at some point, and ordered the application for a CSA just a mile from my work.
I visted a local museum (Goal Met! 6/16/11) and learned about the history of The Great Fire of 1911 that burned half of Bangor.
and I started taking pictures for my Extraordinary Shots of Ordinary Things album. Here are some preliminaries...
Light in my hallway
New summer hat
All in all, it's been a great couple of weeks!
One week from today Jennifer will be here ... maybe she can help me build my new worm condo!!